Monday, 30 March 1998:

Rain, Rain, Rain

...not to be confused with the Roxy Music song of the same name. (Any Roxy fans out there?)

We've been getting buckets of the stuff today, starting around 4 pm when a huge, dark, glowering cloud rolled in from the west and blotted out the sun. Pretty soon people were lamenting about parking their cars in the underground garage and missing out on a free car wash.

Tonight I decided I wanted a gyro for dinner and walked to get one, and then to the coffee shop to read for a while (having already put in my hour writing my perl baseball programs for the evening). I was only drizzling when I left, but the buckets were back by the time I got to State Street. Just big sheets of water hitting the ground, and washing down the sidewalk. I was pretty damp by the time I settled in to read, and was drenched by the time I got home. Which was kind of fun (I like rain a lot), but I wish I'd worn my docksiders rather than my sneakers.

Fortunately, nothing in my backpack got wet, which is good since I had a couple of hardcovers in there!

Work was frustrating today. I have this big project I'm moving through, and was contacted today about how I hadn't dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's in our log tracking system. This was annoying because (1) I thought I had; (2) The tool the person was using to find this was one I'd never heard of before, and which isn't conveniently accessible to everyone, and (3) It's been a pet peeve of mine for several years that it should be a lot easier than it is to log the kinds of changes I was making, but I am consistently overruled on this point time after time. And it continues to be an annoyance time after time. So I vented in e-mail at the person who brought this up, raising these various point.


Opening day of baseball season is tomorrow. I'm less excited about it this year than I have been in a while. The Strike I could handle, but this moving-the-Brewers-to-the-National-League bullshit dampens my enthusiasm. Well, probably our fantasy draft will get my spirits up on the subject!

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