Friday, 27 March 1998:

Cruise Control

We had our mid-development-cycle checkpoint at work today, which was a little strange since the schedule said it was supposed to be last week. It's kind of annoying not to be notified of these changes, but that's life, I guess. As I noted earlier, I'm pretty much on track for this release. Which is good, since it sounds like there will be other things to tackle related to our conversion from VB3 to VB5. (VB5 adds a lot of cool features, but its overall quality control is about six steps down from VB3. Aargh.)

Well, the local temperature is up in the sixties, and you can tell from all the joggers out, all the people wearing T-shirts, tank tops and shorts, and from all the college students throwing parties on this Friday night. It's a nice thing, actually.

So I pulled out my newly-tuned-up bicycle and went for a short ride around Monona Bay, which is probably a little over a mile in circumference. I was happy because I had the wind to my back as I cruised down the John Nolen causeway, which meant I could crank up to 10th gear and really fly. It was a good little workout, and if I can do it regularly for a week or so then I should be set to make the ride around Lake Monona as a precursor to biking into work.

This weekend I'll catch up on my Babylon 5 tapes, and work on writing software to do the results for my fantasy baseball league. (I'm still waiting to get my login information for STATS, Inc. so I can get the raw data for the stats.) I also need to catch up on projects for the WisCon web page. But overall I think it will be a fairly relaxing weekend.

Life is pretty good right now. I cleaned off my porch, and may spend some time reading Sewer, Gas and Electric on it this weekend. The cats will enjoy it, too. They're already spending a lot of their time sniffing at the smells coming in through the windows.

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