Wednesday, 21 January 1998:


Work was disappointing today. I've been enjoying working on the VB5 conversion, but now I have to give that up for a while (for the fun part, basically) in order to clean up some problems that arose because of poor inter-team communication. It involved a lot of running around and exchange of e-mail today, and just generally wore me out by the end of the day. This is the sort of thing that can really kill one's momentum, y'know? But, it has to get done.

I get tired of just being a "resource", though.

On the plus side, the new episode of Babylon 5 aired tonight, "No Compromises". Not a bad episode, but clearly just the beginning of the intrigue that we'll see throughout the season. On further reflection, I really do feel that Sinclair was a more interesting character than Sheridan. I like Sheridan okay, and thought he was introduced to the series well, but I don't think he's worn as well over the long haul.

My friend Brian came over to watch the episode with me, which was fun. I should invite people over every week, for the duration of the series, now that it's airing at a reasonable time. (It aired in Madison on Sundays at 10 pm when it was in syndication.)

I don't think I've mentioned Brian before. We entered grad school at the University of Wisconsin together in 1991, and these days we see each other regularly to game. He was over on Sunday, in fact. He's a pretty mellow guy, and I've been inspired at times by his "no worries" attitude towards life and work.

I could use some of that right now, in fact...

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