Life's Little Lessons
My lesson for last week was this:
It is fairly difficult, when your phone goes out, to call the phone company and tell them that your phone has gone out.
Yes, yes, I should get a cell phone. Mostly I have no use for one. John has nearly persuaded me that I should investigate a plan where I can receive calls, but only make calls for a stiff fee (i.e., in emergencies). A cell phone is worth maybe $10/month to me. Definitely not more than $20/month, and I would have to think about it at that price. I could buy another CD-and-a-half per month (or lunch for a week) for that.
Anyway, I walked to the 7-11 and called Debbi, and then the phone company, at 10 pm last Wednesday. To their credit, SBC had a guy out here the next morning at 9:30, and the line was fixed by 10:30. And the problem was outside the house, so I didn't get charged. Yay!

I haven't been very motivated to write lately. I should write an entry about that, actually. But not tonight.
Debbi and I went for another hike in Rancho San Antonio on Saturday. If you look at one of the maps at that link, we parked at the extreme east end of the park, and hiked along the Rancho San Antonio Bike Path to the Lower Meadow Trail. We then took the Wildcat Canyon Trail to the Wildcat Loop trail, which we hiked up to the Vista Point. Then down to the Rogue Valley Trail, and back to the parking lot. I think this clocks in at between 5 and 5.5 miles, with an altitude gain of around 200 feet. It took us 2-1/4 hours. Not bad!
On the way down from the Vista Point, we saw three deer crossing the path ahead of us. Once they were a little ways up the hill they stopped moving and started eating, keeping an eye on us nonetheless. It was pretty cool.
Here are some photos from the Vista Point and of the deer:
Plus a bonus picture of the lovely and fragrant flowering trees outside my house:

Monday I biked to work. Today I pumped iron. Go me!