John: "No, I only have geek leanings."
Me: "Hey, I'm not the one who's using an icon of Captain Kirk for me, and Mister Spock for Subrata."
John: "You know why I'm using those icons, right?"
Me: "Because you're a geek!"
John: "No, because you're a geek, that's why I use that icon."
Well, I'll just add this: I'm not the one whose chat account and car's license plate are in support of a programming language. I'll have to memorize a lot of Star Trek trivia to reach that plateau of geekiness.
So pardon me if I don't rush to meet the challenge.

Kind of a low-key weekend this time around. Debbi and I caught up to early January on our taped television (Smallville and The West Wing). Went for a 3-hour hike in Rancho San Antonio. Did some shopping. Did some reading. Felt cold at night, but the days were nice and warm.
The West Wing, by the way, got a lot better once the election was out of the way. We've been enjoying it immensely.

Today's title, by the way, is from a very silly conversation Debbi and I had this weekend. Basically, I sometimes say that I've forgotten something sarcastic I said which she didn't quite catch, and this time I came up with a ridiculous excuse. What's great is that she argues with my ridiculous excuses as if I were serious! You can't teach that, folks!

I've been feeling pretty psyched about work recently. I completed a major project two weeks ago, and made significant inroad into another this past week, the latter being one of the major deliverables for our next release. It's interesting stuff, challenging, but I'm happily plowing my way through it. It's especially cool since it appeals to my fundamental love of programming: Building stuff and seeing it do things.
Bottom line is I'm having a great time at work, and have been looking forward to going back to work as the ends of the last couple of weekends have neared.
And that's certainly a good thing!