Back After All These Years
So where the heck have I been?
Well, my absence from these pages (heh-heh) is partly due to Spies being down this past weekend to be physically replaced with a new machine. This meant that it was down for the better part of two days, and then it had to lurch into full functionality, which took another day or so. CGI scripts - which drive a lot of my journal - were not enabled (I think) until a day or so after the machine was back up. I know there was a lot to do, and Ceej did a good job of taking care of it all. But it took time. So no journal over the weekend.
But my absence isn't really Spies' fault. I've been preoccupied with hobbies and friends for the last couple of weeks.
For one thing, Warcraft III came out last week. It's the latest in the series of strategy computer wargames from Blizzard. Although it's fantasy-themed, unlike Starcraft (my obsession from three years ago), it's got basically the same game mechanics. The graphics are better and there are four races with additional units, but otherwise it's quite similar, and a lot of fun. I'm part-way through the second campaign, having been playing it on my Powerbook.
I also picked up a starter set for Marvel Heroclix, a nifty little tabletop combat game based on an apparently popular game called Mage Knight. It looks like it's a cross between old-style war games and Champions, with the addition of high-quality plastic figures and the collectable card game mentality thrown in. However, I have yet to actually play it.
And of course this was Independence Day weekend. Thursday we gathered to hang out and have a barbecue at Lisa's apartment. "We" being myself, Debbi, Lisa, Michel, and "very special guest" Subrata. Spent a couple of hours by the pool, and later went to see fireworks. I think the day went faster than everyone else expected - I don't think they expected we'd spend so much time down at the pool.
Friday I worked, and then played in a Bridge match with Subrata, where we got crushed. Basically, I'm going to keep getting crushed unless I start playing more.
Over the weekend Debbi and I went up to the east bay. She wanted to go to Ikea, and I finagled her into going to Berkeley, where we shopped on Telegraph Ave. Friends of mine in Berkeley like Rob and Monique don't seem to like Telegraph Ave, but I'm not sure why. I suspect it's basically the large numbers of people there, as it's a shopping district right near the Berkeley campus. Or maybe it's not upscale enough. I'm not sure. I enjoy the crowds (it's rare to encounter pedestrian crowds in the bay area!), appreciate the 60s-liberal vendors (great bumper sticker: "Bush is the only dope worth shooting"), and like the music and book stores.
Anyway, I picked up Spock's Beard's V album, which is quite good, and Phish's Farmhouse album, which is not one of their stronger ones, though it has some catchy tunes. Add this to the order of Jadis albums I received by mail from England and I have lots of new stuff to listed to. (Unfortunately, Jadis sent me one CD I already own in lieu of one I'd ordered. Hopefully I can get them to correct the error.)
At Ikea, Debbi bought a desk, and I saw another desk which I might buy for myself, though probably not this month. Sunday we went up to her place where I put the desk together for her. As with all Ikea stuff, it was quite straightforward to assemble. I like putting things together. Afterwards we went to her complex's pool for a while, sat in the hot tub, and got a little tan. Debbi's concerned that I'm not using sun screen and I'm harming myself. I've never really used much sun screen, and generally only worry about burning to the point that it hurts. I don't really make an effort to get tan, either; it's hard to avoid in California. But maybe I should start using sun screen more regularly. I really have no idea how much sun is too much, long-term.

And then last night I invited some folks over to watch baseball's All-Star Game. Debbi, Subrata, Syd and Nate - a fellow from my fantasy baseball league - joined me. Of the other five I invited, only two responded, and one said he couldn't make it, and the other (CJ) that she probably couldn't. I'm not sure why I didn't hear from the other three, especially since two live quite close to me. They're all in my fantasy league, though I don't know them terribly well. Getting to know Nate better was a lot of fun.
The four guys geeked out a lot about baseball, and I think Debbi often felt left out of the conversation. It was hard to include her, since we're all pretty hard-core about it. But I think she did get some kitty therapy, as Newton was being very friendly all evening.
I've wanted to have a bunch of folks over for the All-Star Game for a number of years, and only once really managed to put something together, very last-minute. I'd like to start doing this annually.
The pre-game ceremonies were lame, feeling like they were trying to jerk every last tear out of us with memories of players past. This was great in 1999 when they trotted out the All-Century Team, but doing this often makes it less special. Yeah, seeing Warren Spahn is cool, but still.
The game itself was okay. There were several excellent defensive plays, and although Rob Neyer thinks the All-Star Game is useless I enjoy it because it's fun to see the players having fun and palling around with each other. It's not great baseball, but it is a fun time. However, this game ended in a 7-7 tie, and Chairman Bud and his cronies decided to call the game after the 11th inning since both teams had used all their pitchers. What, they didn't think ahead of time that this might happen? What a bunch of losers!
So it was a good evening. Especially since it finally cooled down. We've been having highs pushing 100 degrees in the bay area this week. Astonishing. You step outside at noontime and it's like someone's aiming a giant candle in your direction. Today was the worst of it, I understand. Fortunately, the first floor of my apartment stays fairly cool, and I think the cats have been weathering it well.

I think that's enough of a roundup for now. I'll try not to let the journal go for so long next time. Assuming Warcraft doesn't steal my soul.