The Verdict
My cold has been getting worse this week; I've been going home early because by around 5 pm I am just wiped out from fighting it off. The sore throat stage passed into a sneezing phase and a congestion phase, and no doubt the nasal drip phase is right around the corner. Ugh. It's one of those colds which is not quite bad enough for me to stay home. Or maybe I should have anyway.

Apple had an open house yesterday and today. They let the public into the central courtyard to apply for jobs at Apple. You may know that the labor market in the Bay Area is very tight; no one has all the staff they want. Rumor has it that Steve Jobs has been unhappy with Apple's ability to recruit and retain employees lately (though I have no idea if this means anything; he may just be 'unhappy' like every other Big Boss in the area is 'unhappy' about it). So I guess this is part of the result.
I wasn't involved in the open house, but I presume that throwing your doors open to anyone who wants to apply means you'll get a lot of applications which aren't suitable in hopes of finding a few more that are. In short, it seems like a bit of a desperation move. But, the market is probably tight enough to make companies desperate, and it could still be a good return on investment. You never know, I guess. Apple can still trade on its long reputation as an innovative company and a cool place to work, I imagine.
I don't know how it all worked out. Maybe they'll announce something later. If they have a second one within the next year, then I'll assume it was a success!

So the head of the development team I applied for on Tuesday came in and said, "So, I want to offer you a job." Being a bit of a smart-ass, I replied, "This is the job I applied for, right?" Well, yes, it is.
So yes, I got the job!
There will obviously be a transitional period; I've already talked to my current boss as we try to work out what I'll finish up before I move out of QA. And then there will be a period of ramping up to familiarize myself with the applications I'll be working on before I really get into the swing of things, although I don't know at this point how that will work.
But, it's good to know that I've got my foot in the door. I think it'll be fun!

Tom has been out from work the last two days as he got one of his eyes re-zapped since it had degraded somewhat as it healed from his earlier laser surgery. Apparently this is not uncommon, especially for people with an astigmatism as he has. Hopefully it will all work out in the next month or two, and give me some confidence to get the surgery myself this fall.