So yesterday afternoon we actually had some hail mixed in with the rain. It was maybe dime-sized hail, mixed about 50-50 with big droplets of water. It all melted pretty quickly, but it was pretty cool to see. I was walking out in it briefly, and felt it crunch under my feet. Neat!
A bunch of work has developed at, well, work in the last two days. We will be kept quite busy for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile I've also been working on my baseball application, and not having a whole lot of luck. I basically have three options for the app: Access the flat file data directly (poor performance; flat files are not indexed and just generally it's slow to do searches on a 10 Mb sequential text file), dump it into a simple database we use for our examples (also too slow; I think this database is not intended for data of this quantity), or dump it into a real database, like Oracle or Sybase. Unfortunately, we seem to be having some problems with our Oracle and Sybase server this week, and I'm loathe to try to force all the data in there until we're sure the problems are resolved. Argh.
On the other hand, it actually looks like it's an app that could be pretty handy for doing some stress-testing of WebObjects, once I resolve the database situation. Which is nice to know, since I originally started writing it for purely my own purposes.

Mainly I wanted to do an entry to put up this picture of the cats watching a bird knock stuff out of the gutter above my bedroom window. The bird was actually not visible, but we could hear it flapping and chirping, and watch stuff fall to the ground. It's probably nesting; I think there's another one nesting in the carport next to mine, too.