I Knew It Was Too Good to Last
It's been raining almost all day, which caused ultimate to be cancelled tonight. Pity. As I write this, it's gotten chilly and it's still raining quite a bit. We're even getting some lightning and thunder, which is quite rare out here. This is my second thunderstorm since moving out here, which must be lucky on my part!
Anyway, I like the rain, so I actually have the window open in my study despite it being chilly. But I may close it soon, as it is getting a bit too cold.
By the way, speaking of ultimate, I mentioned that I went jogging the last two days. I'd been mostly doing non-jogging exercise for the last few weeks; weight lifting and 20 minutes on the elliptical walking whatsis. I've watched my weight creep up a few pounds, and at first I figured it was because my weight lifting was adding more muscle. But after a bit I decided that wasn't it. But after jogging the last two days my weight has gone down several pounds! People tell me that jogging is the "gold standard" of exercise, and I suppose it really is. If my legs hold up, I will try to get out jogging more often.

This morning I went to the dentist for the first time since moving to California. Longtime readers will recall that a few years back I went three years between dentist appointments and came out fine on the other side: No cavities, no nothing. Well, no such luck this time.
I have a few long term problems with my mouth which so far have been held in check: I have TMJ as a result of grinding my teeth while asleep, for which I wear a mouth brace at night. I also have receding gums (sort of like receding hair, only not) which I guess makes me a bigger risk for gum disease and cavities along the gumline where there's less enamel. But I've been brushing and flossing regularly, so overall I haven't had any trouble.
No, there's no new trouble. What's wrong is that I have many old fillings which are starting to decay. One of them is apparently chronic, and several others are on the same tooth and need to be replaced with a crown. (I feel too young to get a crown!) My insurance will cover most of this, but it will still run me some money - not to mention several hours in the dentist's chair.
Ah, well. It's been something like six years since I last had any work done on my mouth, and I guess that's really a pretty superlative run. I shouldn't complain; everyone needs dental work done sometime.

Brr. Time to close that window. Especially since the heat just kicked in.