Old Badge
Apple is replacing our badges over the next week, with new, thinner ones. I thought I'd record what my current badge looks like, for posterity:
I've seen a few people with the new badges. Naturally, they have an Apple symbol with one of the five imac colors, which I don't mind; that schtick has grown on me, over time. What's awful, though, is that the primary color scheme for employees is puke orange! It's ghastly! I hope they didn't pay too much for that idea. It's really, really ugly. Plus the basic layout of the badge is very blocky and unimaginative. (You'd think everything could have been nicely centered or offset, at least.)
Anyway, when I get my new badge, I'll run a picture of that so you can compare.

I've gotten about half a dozen subscribers to my notify list since I announced it a week ago. That's not bad, I guess. It's probably about 12% of my readership, maybe a bit less. I wonder how it compares to other journals' notify lists?