Notify List
Thanks to Ceej, I now have a notify list for my journal. I finally decided that since I update more sporadically these days than I once did, a notify list might be more practical now than in the past. I had one briefly when I moved last February, but discontinued it because it seemed like something of a chore. Plus, unlike other journaller, I didn't use it to send out "bonus entries" from time-to-time. (Writing my regular entries is enough work!)
So I may not do "bonus entries" with this list, either, but I do at least plan to send out messages when I put up a new entry.
In order to subscribe, send e-mail to majordomo@spies.com with the command:
subscribe abyss email
in the body of the message (the subject line is ignored). Replace the word "email" with the e-mail address from which you'd like to subscribe. That address should be sent a confirmation message which you will need to respond to to confirm your subscription. Then you'll be sent some introductory files about the list, which you should save in case you ever want to unsubscribe.
If it doesn't work, be sure to let me know and I'll try to fix it.
Yes, my geekspace is expanding.

Yesterday we interviewed someone for my boss' boss' position, since my boss' boss left Apple at the end of last week. I'm feeling more comfortable interviewing people, but I still feel terribly tongue-tied in the feedback meeting at the end of the day where we discuss a candidate. I have trouble organizing my thoughts and expressing my opinions, for some reason. I don't feel especially nervous (except in that I'm concerned about being tongue-tied), I'm just having trouble figuring out how to say what I have to say. It's very strange. In yesterday's meeting we had the feedback session and then segued into a different meeting, and I very easily brought up a couple of specific points about work which I wanted to address. It was eerie to speak clearly about one thing and feel unable to do so on another topic.
Well, practice, practice, practice, I guess!

Today it rained all day. Well, I can barely dignify the term "rain" in this case; we had some drizzle all day and some ominous but largely impotent clouds. However, Subrata and I did decide to punt on Ultimate tonight since we were concerned about the condition of the field, which was hard and dry last week and could easily be soft and slippery and prone to causing injuries this week.
Otherwise, it's been a quiet couple of days.