The Digicam Girl
We can start with the baseball world today, where the Red Sox pounded the Yankees 13-1 behind Pedro Martinez' 7 scoreless innings, the most lopsided loss in Yankees playoff history. Pedro claimed afterwards that he was pitching in pain and was off his game, but clearly he's holding himself to a standard that only a handful of Major Leaguers can live up to. (Roger Clemens turned out not to be one of them today, hitting the showers in the third inning.)
Yankees lead series 2 games to 1.

This morning I actually got up and went jogging, before I showered or ate anything, yet. It's another hot day in the valley, but actually I didn't sweat too much. I think the route I ran (starting from home) is about 1.2 or 1.3 miles, and I made it most of the way before I had to stop and walk for a bit. I was fairly pleased with myself, although one nice thing about jogging at from the fitness center is that it's air conditioned!

In the afternoon I drove down to Los Gatos to go to Borders and look at some books on cats, to get some more input on how to deal with the guys' fleas. The books actually varied somewhat in their advice, but overall I decided that what I need to do is call a vet and see if they recommend bathing/powdering, or Program or Advantage, or something. (One of my readers wrote to tell me that a very small minority of cats may have an allergic reaction to Program and start scratching more and pulling their fur out, so I should be aware that Program may not be a panacea. Good advice.)
I had thought of going by a pet store to get some flea spray for the cats to alleviate their scratching in the interim, but after reading the books I decided I should get advice from a vet first instead. Hopefully the little guys will forgive me. (Actually, it still doesn't seem that bad. They scratch once in a while, but mostly seem to be their usual selves.)
While I was down there, I walked around the commercial district a little bit. Los Gatos actually seems to have a thriving economy (unlike where I live in the Valley, which seems mall-based) and seems like a nice place. It also has some hills, since it's close to the mountains at the south end of the Valley. Unfortunately, it's pretty far away from major highways (17 goes past it, but 17 is not especially convenient for me), or I might consider living there sometime. I think it's a community which is currently being 'discovered' by many Valley techies. So I don't think the prices are out of sight yet.

Trish came up to visit and go to dinner again tonight. I think she's always just glad to get out of the small town south of here where she's presently living. (You'll have to ask her about the details of all that. I don't have space here!)
I lent her the first two of Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan series, which I suspect she'll enjoy. (I'm partway through the latest one, A Civil Campaign, myself.) In what must be some sort of record for unfair trades, she's lending me her digital camera! I've been thinking of getting a digicam myself, although they are rather expensive. This way, I'll be able to play around with one and see what I think before I plunk down money. I purely want a digicam so I can take photos for my Web page (i.e., for this journal), so expect to see some photos here in the coming week or two (however long she lets me keep it!). At the very least, there'll be cat photos, and probably Apple photos. Possibly friend photos. Beyond that, we'll see.
Tonight we went up to Apple and I actually brought my badge with me so I could show her around inside. She loved it! We sat for a while in the atrium of building 1, which not only has comfy chairs but is very pretty when it's lit up at night. Apple really has a nice campus.
We headed to Castro Street in Mountain View for dinner, and ate Italian. I realized just how many restaurants there are on Castro that I haven't been to. Many Indian places, and (strangely) multiple Irish pubs. Afterwards we went back to my place and chatted and played with the cats and threw cat toys at each other. (She has better aim than me, but I'm sneakier!)

Oh, and yesterday a friend of Subrata's came by to look at my old car. She's looking for a car that is reliable but junky-looking which she can keep at work for running errands, since I guess her husband drops her off at work on the way to his work. She said they'd be looking at another car over the weekend, and would let me know next week. If they buy it, then great. Otherwise, I will donate it.