We Love Parasites
Yes, the Red Sox again lost to the Yankees, 3-2, to the frustration of beantowners everywhere. Ramon Martinez pitched extremely well, perhaps his best game to date with the Sox, but the offense could muster only two measly runs, and left all sorts of men on base in scoring position. Ack. I still think they're swinging at too many pitches, especially first pitches. The pitching is doing its job, now the offense needs to wake up again.
Yankees lead the series, 2 games to 0. My friend Karen is already giving me shit about it.

In other news, a few days ago I verified something I'd wondered about for a little while, but hadn't yet confirmed: My cats have fleas.
Newton and Jefferson are indoor cats, so they don't have much opportunity to get fleas. I think they got them because our now-ex neighbors had an outdoor cat who hung around the balcony outside our fourplex doors, and I let me cats out on the porch a few times to look around. They probably got the fleas from either just the floor, or from the welcome mats outside the neighbors' door. It doesn't take much, after all, for fleas to get onto the cat and then inside the house.
Fortunately, the cats have not been scratching much, and unlike my previous encounters with fleas, they have shown no interest in me at all. (No, I don't get lousy, I just notice them jumping into my socks and then off again, which isn't happening this time. And is probably why I didn't realize for a while that we're infested.
In the past when my cats or my Mom's cats have gotten fleas, I've taken the cats to the vet to get dipped, and had the house bombed (i.e., fumigated) in our absence. I'm contemplating doing something different (and hopefully cheaper) this time: Actually bathing the cats myself. They are reasonably mellow fellows as cats go, and might deal with it okay. Or maybe I'm being a fool; I dunno.
My cow-orker Tom says he bathes his cat when she gets fleas, and he spreads flea powder everywhere she goes in the apartment. So I may do the same, although I'd probably buy some bombs (which are cheap) and fumigate at least the two bedrooms.
Ceej also suggested that I get some drug called Program I can feed the cats once a month which apparently gets in their bloodstream and renders the fleas incapable of reproducing. That might also be promising, as long as I don't let the cats outside again. (I found some info on Program at Pet Expo and PetLibrary which makes me think that it may be worth trying, but is no guarantee. But CJ says people love it.)
If anyone has any additional suggestions or comments on dealing with fleas, I'd appreciate the input. I may go out tomorrow to buy stuff to help the kitties, before it gets unbearable for them. (Still, they're always able to sleep, it seems, and since they spend like 70% of their life unconscious, how bad can it be?)