Wednesday, 8 October 1997:
I Ate Some Peanut Butter and It Was Pretty Good
Hmm, I seem to be on a Jim's Journal kick with my entry titles.
Today I bought most of the issues of The Maxx that I was missing. Some of them are hard to find, due to the popularity of the cartoon show around the time they came out. But I'm sure I'll find them somewhere.
It's hard to imagine that this comic - or the show that was based on it - would appeal to children. The title character is not a superhero in a typical sense; in fact, he's kind of a goofball. The themes of the story revolve around parental abuse and neglect, and serious psychological trauma, with fantastic twists thrown in. It's not kid's stuff. Although it is often very, very weird.
Other comics I picked up this week include Astro City, Supreme, Bone and Starman. A good week, all-in-all.
So I spent a quiet evening at home, reading my new comics, eating peanut butter on saltine crackers, and watching Baltimore defeat Cleveland in the first game of the AL Championship series. It was a good game; the young Cleveland starting pitcher, Chad Ogea, only made a couple of mistakes, but the Cleveland offense couldn't buy a run off Baltimore starter Scott Erickson, and the final score was 3-0.

Michael Rawdon