Tuesday, 7 October 1997:
I Went To Work, And It Was Okay
I had some folks over to play Robo Rally tonight, because it's been over a week and I was going into withdrawal! We had a good time; it was silly as usual. At one point, when one guy was 2/3ds of the way to being done, another guy (who had just been knocked back to the starting point) headed in a different direction to intercept him. The first guy said, "Where are you going?" And the second said, "I'm going to kick your ass." We laughed uproariously for several minutes.
Well, maybe you had to be there.
I learned at work that there's a document out there with a list of the significant others of all the employees - but it seemingly hasn't been updated in two years! So amazingly my ex-girlfriend is listed there. Maybe this is why people there are surprised to learn I'm single? (Presumably they're not surprised because they think I'm a good catch or anything.)
I've been re-reading my collections of Jim's Journal, which is a brilliant small-press comic strip about a guy who slogs through college and then gets a bunch of low-paying jobs and just muddles through life, but seems pretty happy. It's a slacker strip, but it doesn't revel in being a slacker strip, and it makes a lot of really good points about day-to-day life. I guess the fifth and final collection will be out soon. The first four were:
- I Went To College, and It Was Okay
- I Got A Job, and It Wasn't Too Bad
- I Made Some Brownies, and They Were Pretty Good
- I Got Married, If You Can Believe That
Jim's Journal used to appear in The Onion; I think it was drawn by the editor-in-chief.
I also learned that the rock group which is perhaps my favorite among active groups has its own Web site. Their name is Sonia Dada, and I'll be seeing them in concert on Friday.

Michael Rawdon