Previous EntryMonth IndexNext Entry Saturday, 31 December 2005  
Gazing into the Abyss: Michael Rawdon's Journal


Links du jour:

Tips for protecting your privacy as a consumer, and some related comments at Bruce Schneier's blog.
  View all 2005 links

2005 In Brief

Without reviewing my journal (save to find links to relevant entries), here's how 2005 is colored for me:

  1. The (ongoing) effort at work to keep improving the product I work on, especially for people who have to transition to Xcode in order to move their software to run on Intel hardware. I won't go into any details here; if you're a Mac developer, and you've moved from Xcode 2.0 to 2.1 to 2.2, then you've seen the fruits of my (and many other peoples') labors

    Working on a key product is not a bed of roses - it's a lot of work. But I'd much rather be working on something relevant than on something marginal (having worked on marginal products in the past). While I sometimes feel more-than-ready to move on past this stage of the product's evolution, there have been rewards along the way (not least being the company's impressive stock price). Overall I don't have much to complain about, but I do wish the pace would slacken a bit!

  2. My first trip to Las Vegas, a birthday gift from Debbi.
  3. Subrata and Susan's wedding, for which I apparently never wrote an entry - just too busy, it seems!
  4. My Mom visiting me for the first time.
  5. Debbi moving in with me.
A short list, but it's been a busy year. Often I felt like I didn't have time to catch my breath, and I feel like many of my personal projects have languished. I'm hoping that 2006 will be a more even-paced, balanced year.

With a lot more cat fur, now that I have three more roommates...

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