Today I finally did something I've wanted to do for weeks: I borrowed a circular saw from my friend Chad (one of the gaming buddies), and sliced up the desk left behind by the previous owners. I'd long since decided it wasn't what I wanted, but I discovered this past week that it was mostly glued together, and was too well constructed to simply take apart the screws and boards. More was needed. And I needed to dismantle it because it's too big and unwieldy to remove from my house without taking it apart.
It's only made of particle board, so the saw pretty much went through it like the proverbial hot knife through butter. I had to cogitate a little about how to make some of the cuts, but I soon discovered that having detached enough pieces, I could literally pull the other boards apart, since the boards were so weak.
Soon it was all in a heap in my office, and Debbi and I carted it down to the dumpster (which took almost as long as slicing it up did). And I swept up all the sawdust (several dustpans full) and arranged my office to occupy the space the desk had previously been in. Now the place is much cleaner and much more the way I want it. Yay!
Then we went shopping and made dinner. Costco has some yummy ham steaks which I bought three of (since they come in packs of three), and we made one with an apple-brown sugar glaze, and some rice pilaf and corn to go with it. It was all good, and now I'm very full! Urp!

Chad and his wife Camille recently acquired a couple of toy Pomeranian dogs. Yes, they're a white and a black ball of fur about a foot high, and filled with energy. They sure are friendly! Their cat isn't wild about them, though, and mostly stays off the ground when inside. Poor kitty. It reminds me of Ceej's accounts of her cat and two yorkshire terriers trying to get along.
They're cute dogs, though. Debbi and I hung around for an hour or so chatting with Chad and Camille, checking out their apartment (which is very nice, as apartments go, though Chad thinks it was built to house people working at Moffett Field and that it's not fundamentally in good shape to actually own) and generally nattering about stuff. I don't see Chad much outside of gaming, which might be nice to change sometime.

It's continuing to be very cold at night lately. Several times this week I woke up and my thermometer at around 8 am said it was around 30 degrees in the shade. Thursday we played Ultimate and the ground was starting to frost as we left the field for the evening.
Life has otherwise been pretty sedate lately. Tomorrow we'll be going over to Lisa's apartment to watch the Super Bowl, and I'm planning to go see more Cary Grant films with Subrata.
And yet, it seems like I'm so busy...