What Can I Tell You?
There's not too bloody much to tell you this week, I'm afraid.
For one thing, I've been working longer-than-usual hours trying to get some fixes and features into our current build cycle. I've made a lot of progress these last two days and things are really coming together, and our QAers are starting to use my stuff more rigorously. So that's pretty exciting, even though it means I get to spend more time explaining how things work!
And then Subrata and I played Ultimate last night, which of course ate up the whole evening. I had a so-so game, starting with making three lousy throws to the same person over the course of several points, and dropping a deep pass that I should have made, but it managed to get placed right between my eyes and the field lights, and I missed it. Argh! But I settled down and did okay thereafter, and my mark of the man with the disc was working quite well, which made me pretty happy.
Of course, I woke up this morning and was exhausted and sore. But that's the price one pays, I guess!

Yesterday I noticed several people from my floor looking out the window of the lounge outside my office. Finally unable to resist, I went out and saw that they were looking at three helicopters flying and/or hovering over nearby De Anza College. It turns out that there was a bomb scare there, with a student apparently planning to bomb the school with large numbers of pipe bombs, who was fortunately caught before he could carry out his plan, because he had some film developed at convenience store which included photos of his weaponry (how dumb is that?), and a clerk decided to call the police when she saw the photos.
Apparently the whole campus was evacuated as the police looked for bombs that might have been previously planted. Fortunately, it looks like the would-be-terrorist was completely forestalled by his premature arrest. Thank goodness!

All of which hasn't left me a lot of time to do anything exciting, or even to finish any books or see any movies. So the month ends with a fairly lame entry.
But hey, I did actually write twenty entries this month, which must be the most I've written in a number of months!

Oh, by the way, not that I was actually taking a poll, but since last week's entry in which I mentioned I'm growing my hair long, the reaction to this decision can be summed up:
- Readers who think I should keep my hair short: 1
- Readers who think I should grow my hair long: 0
- Readers who don't care: Everyone else, apparently
Additionally, I think my friend John thinks I look better with short hair.
It is, right now, at exactly that length where it's really annoying to work out with or run around playing frisbee with. Which doesn't leave me feeling particularly enthusiastic to continue the experiment, but I haven't yet decided if I want to cut it.
Ambivalence, apathy... no wonder it feels like I never accomplish anything.

Speaking of apathy, have I mentioned that the clock in my home Mac has been sans live battery for the last ten days or so? And that I've been seriously lazy about replacing it, even though it means I have to set the date and time every time I start it up? Boy, now that's apathy...
And on that note... happy February!