Freedom Anniversary
Today is the 28th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision, which is one of the great advances in Civil Rights in America, making abortion a legal procedure in the United States.
Regrettably, our new President, Shrubya Bush, reinstated a ban on funding for groups which provide overseas aid and which also provide abortion counseling as a family-planning option. If you need proof that the Bush regime will be an evil one - even looking beyond the array of ultraconservative Cabinet appointments he's made - look no further than this. And it's only one of many steps the conservative want to take to roll back human rights progress that America made in the 20th century. (Heck, considering that they also want to do away with pesky things like the Fourth Amendment, I guess they really want to roll back some 18th century advances, too.)
Anyone who actually believes that Bush has any intention of "uniting" America hasn't been paying attention. As the comic strip Doonesbury put it, Bush's main bipartisan experience involves uniting conservatives with ultraconservatives.
It's going to be a scary four years, especially with a Republican congress. But with any luck they'll screw it up so badly that the Democrats can resoundingly evict them from Congress in 2002, and a suitable Democratic candidate can oust the figurehead Bush from office in 2004. If things go right, maybe the later part of this decade could see a resumption of America's liberal and progressive heritage that was so rudely interrupted by Watergate.
We'll see. Meanwhile, hold on to your hats, because it's approaching midnight in America, and the nightcrawlers are coming out to play...

On a lighter note, the leftover bagels and cake went over well at work today. I dubbed the lounge outside my office where people usually leave food "The Couch Area of Caloric Delight".
Cleaning up after the party was a snap: I washed all the dishes quickly, and cleaned the few spots which had suffered spills. Plus, having vacuumed and organized, the whole apartment looks much nicer now. Yay!
Otherwise, not a lot else to report. The work day just flew by, strangely enough. Oh, and speaking of strange: After all of the caloric intake I experienced yesterday, I actually hit a new low in my weight this morning. Go figure! Of course, I was so zonked this morning that I didn't get up in time to go to the gym... oh, well!