Past Into Present
I'm still sore from working out on Saturday - especially my biceps and pectorals - but I headed to the gym this morning to try to work off a few of those brownies. Had a pretty good workout, and spotted John on an exercise when he came in a half-hour after I did. I guess he's trying to work out in the morning more often, for whatever reason. I know that's what I prefer...

A sudden surprise in my life occurred when I came home from work on Friday and had a message on my machine from Adrienne. (For new readers, Adrienne's a woman I dated for a few weeks last summer.) We had a somewhat tumultuous dating experience (more good than bad, though), but after we stopped seeing each other I think we were both somewhat uncomfortable staying in contact. And by the time I'd decided I was being silly for not even calling her to see if a friendship was possible, she'd decided that she wasn't so sure that it could work out.
Having not heard from her since October, then, the message was quite a surprise. I finally got in contact with her tonight. It sounds like she's really happy living in the Bay Area lately and has gotten past many of the things which were bedeviling her when we were seeing each other. (Uh, I don't think this is to imply that I was one of those things...)
So we had a good chat, and we might strike up another e-mail conversation. I'm so glad she's happy with how things are going, really.

I've been somewhat disappointed with the journalling world in general recently, because it seems like almost everyone I read isn't writing very regularly. Diane Patterson's been on hiatus for months. Monique's been on vacation for a month. Lucy's on vacation. Eleanor's on hiatus. Rebekah's in Mozambique. Hardly anyone updates daily anymore.
Yeah, I know, whine whine. I hadn't realized how much I enjoy catching up with all the journallers I read. I guess that means they're good journals.
Credit where credit is due, though: Cindy updates every couple of days at least. Trish has suddenly started updating her password-protected journal regularly lately. Kymm updates almost every day, and Ceej, though a bit erratic, has also come out of her post-baseball-season slump. And then there's the loquacious Rob Rummel-Hudson.
Thank goodness. I don't know what I'd do without them. Probably got some work done or something.

Since Subrata and I have an ultimate game tomorrow night, I opened my birthday presents tonight. I received many cool things, perhaps many more things than I'd had any reasonable expectation to receive. (I think my family in general just kind of goes nuts when it comes to gift-giving season.) It was a nice way to spend an evening, along with watching TV and calling Adrienne.
Tomorrow I'll be a power of 2. In some ways it's hard to believe, in other ways it's exactly as old as I feel. Being in your early 30s is especially strange because unless all your friends are exactly your age, they're either old enough that they're getting a glimpse of 40, or they're still in their carefree 20s. Actually, that dividing line at the big 3-0 is completely illusory (except maybe for a few health and fitness reasons), but it's such a big psychological marker. Eerie.