Back in the Harness
Today I went to the gym for the first time since before my vacation, which means a layoff of, oh, three and a half weeks or so.
Wow, the old muscles were pretty sore afterwards. I wasn't able to quite do the weights I was doing right before the break. Amazing how quickly these things atrophy if they're not getting regular use. Still, I spent nearly an hour doing weights (pleasantly, my abdominal muscles seemed to hold up better than most) and put in 25 minutes on the cardio machine. My right arm was actually shaking a little bit from the strain by the end of it all (probably I overdid it a tad), but I felt fine after a shower (except, of course, for being kind of tired).
It's going to take me a little while to get back into the swing of working out, I think, but I'm psyched about hopefully losing some more weight this year. I've been losing about a pound a month since I started all this, which is slow going, but it's steady positive progress, which is what counts.

I went shopping afterwards and bought a few clothes. I also failed utterly to find some long-sleeved polo shirts, which I need. Mervyn's, where I buy many of my clothes, has short-sleeved polo shirts in abundance, but no long-sleeved ones. Go figure.
Came back home to watch a couple of episodes of Sports Night, and later in the evening I walked to the nearby coffee shop, which was more crowded than I've ever seen it. It's not a particularly good coffee shop (not in the same league as Borrone), but it's an okay place to hang out once in a while. I read through a collection of very early Batman stories I received for Christmas, and was amused at the effort in them that went into teaching its underage readers to be fine, upstanding citizens (even as the Superman yarns of the time were often brutal and tinged with amorality, which is very eerie). But damn, that first Joker story is a great piece of early comics work.
Tomorrow I'm off to John's to watch the NFL playoff games and general shoot the shit with him and whoever else shows up. Should be fun!