What I'm Thankful For
Lucy invited me to her place for Thanksgiving dinner with her, her husband John, Bill and Julie Humphries, and Alf, a co-worker of John's from Germany.
I had a terrific time. Lucy made a very yummy traditional dinner: Turkey, stuffing (I love bread stuffing), cranberry stuff, green beans, and Bill and Julie brought mashed potatoes and what I think were squash (I'm not really into squash-type food, but the people at the table who are said they were good). There was good pumpkin pie for dessert (there's plenty of bad pumpkin pie in the world, so good pumpkin pie is always appreciated), and I made a recipe of my Mom's called "Frozen Hungarian Creams", which is basically a sweet creamy lozenge about the width of a cupcake over which you pour sweetened frozen strawberries (after thawing the strawberries, of course). The creams went over so well I ended up sending everyone the recipe.
I met Lucy and John's two cats and their lazy old dog (maybe she's not all that lazy, but she spent most of the evening snoozing), and we talked about a variety of subjects (other journallers, Weblogs, science fiction, life in the Bay Area, etc. etc.). We played a game that Julie brought called Apples to Apples, which was a pretty good party game, which Lucy describes in her entry about the dinner.
We also talked about plans to go to the San Francisco Zoo sometime in the next couple of months, and I told Lucy that Patrick McDonnell, artist of the comic strip Mutts, will be at the Cartoon Art Museum next month, which she seems interested in. So maybe we'll go to that.
I enjoyed hanging out with all of them. And, although I've met Lucy and John before, I feel like this is the first time I've really met them, and I hope we can get together more often (i.e., more than every eight months) in the future.

So, without any sarcasm and in no particular order, here are some things I'm thankful for on this Thanksgiving day:
- I'm thankful that I can afford to live in a nice apartment and to pursue my various hobbies.
- I'm thankful to have good friends both here and elsewhere in the country whom I can rely on.
- I'm thankful that I have parents I can lean on for support when I need to (talking emotional not financial here; I don't think I've asked them for money since I finished school).
- I'm thankful to have a good job at an exciting company which interests me.
- I'm thankful to have two wonderful kitties who enjoy my company, are tolerant of my faults as an owner, have upbeat attitudes, and seem endlessly forgiving.
All-in-all, life is pretty good. Sure, I'd like it to be better in some ways, but it's not hard to imagine how it could be much, much worse. And I'm glad it's not.