Jogging and Stew
Once again, I was pretty sluggish getting out of bed this morning. Lay around listening to NPR and reading a bit before finally getting up. John invited me to dinner at his place tonight, so I called to confirm that. The invitation was funny, actually, for reasons having nothing to do with the invitation itself: While walking around SF yesterday I thought, "I bet I don't have any messages when I get home, because I never have any messages." So I got home and had the invitation from John on my machine. That'll teach me!
Well, I motivated myself to go jogging a little after noon (right, I still hadn't gotten dressed yet). I figured: I have these new sneakers, and I want to try a new route to jog, and I've been having good results with weight loss lately. So off I went. I jogged through the park near my house. It's funny, I moved here partly because it's near a park, but I've only been through the park two or three times. I'm not entirely sure why that is, but I suspect it's because of my general feeling that I'm not part of the community here, that this isn't really 'home'. And I guess I associate parks with 'home'.
I'm continuing to lose weight. I guess I've really turned the corner in my exercise. But other than feeling a little more muscled, and tightening my belt, I don't so far feel much smaller. Well, eventually it will happen.

The afternoon was fairly lazy, as I watched football, watched a very good episode of Homicide involving a 66-year-old murder case, and did some reading. I also gave the kitties this month's doe of Advantage to ward off fleas. Though I haven't seen any sign of fleas in weeks. Jefferson was pretty intent on licking the stuff, but I don't think he got much of it. He had a little mouth foaming, which the package warned could happen, but he seems to be okay. I kept a close eye on him for several hours, and gave him lots of petting and some playtime to keep him distracted.
Went up to John's for dinner. I picked up two loaves of Italian bread for him to make garlic bread with; that turned out to be a lot of bread, but he used it all anyway, and it was quite good. Dinner included the bread, a decent salad, and beef stew, which was quite tasty (though he described another recipe he has which sounded even better). Afterwards, he used his new ice cream maker to make butter pecan ice cream, which was delicious, although after two helpings I was feeling a little pecan'ed out!
John's SO Kim and his friend Eric were also there. Kim and I talked for a while about the insane housing situation out here. She seems to feel that living in the Bay Area is not a good long-term proposition, which I'm inclined to agree with. Which I'm sure comes as no surprise to readers of my journal. The question is: How long until the long term feeling kicks in?
Still trying to figure out what - if anything - to do for Thanksgiving. Well, if nothing else, I need to look for cleats for ultimate which starts up in a week and a half.