Monday, 31 May 1999:

Moody Day

Today was a rather melancholy day. I spent the whole day at home (it being Memorial Day, and all), and I think I was experiencing a little 'letdown' from spending two days of the long weekend at home after spending so many days of the last two weeks out with friends doing stuff. I think I am also still reacting to The Big Move and missing some things about Madison.

Tonight around sunset I was standing in my dining area and looking at the sun filtering through the window and landing on the wall, and at Newton lying in the sun on the floor. This evoked a really strong memory of sunsets in my Madison apartment. I didn't really have a view of the sunset, but the sun reflected off the windows of the building facing mine and into my apartment, which was kind of a neat effect. And I think I realized that this apartment still doesn't feel like 'home', and maybe never will if I indeed move this summer.

Now, I remember that it took me quite a while for my last apartment in Madison to feel like home, although I think I settled into it faster in part because I was in a relationship at the time, and we tended to spend time at my place rather than hers. Whereas here the apartment is entirely mine (and the cats') and I rarely get visitors. Hopefully, again, that will change if I move to the peninsula, where it would be more convenient for friends to drop by. I'd also like to throw a housewarming party if I move. And maybe even if I don't.

I did look through some ads in the newspaper today. This week I'm going to try to draw up a list of things to look at when I go apartment-hunting, and then I think I'll be ready to go out looking at places. The list will include various things I had on my list when I looked at places in March, and some things I've learned by living here. Such as hours during which the laundry room is open; it's only open 8:30 to 8:30 here, which is rather lame. I prefer to do my laundry at night.

Another thing I'm realizing about California is that it's not Cape Cod. My parents have vacationed on Cape Cod since the 70s (maybe longer, but I wasn't around, if so!), and I have a lot of great memories of vacationing there. California evokes some similar feelings in me: The smell of the air, the ability to go out to the ocean. But it's not quite the same; the area is too built-up and too reliant on driving around to get places.

The whole driving things makes it different from Madison, too, where I could walk all manner of neat places from my downtown apartment. But again maybe part of the problem is where I'm living; it doesn't seem that way after a casual drive-through, but it really is something of a wasteland down here. There are very few places down here that I really go to. I'm not even familiar with the restaurants around my apartment, since I just don't spend a lot of time down here.

So I spent a lot of the afternoon on the computer. But I'd decided early on when I realized how melancholy I was feeling that I needed to accomplish something today. And what I decided is that I've gone long enough with just limping along in my reading, and watching the books pile up. So today I read most of John Varley's short story collection The Persistence of Vision, and felt fairly satisfied at doing so. I also did some chores around the house and watched an episode of Homicide, so all-in-all it was reasonably productive, even if I didn't step outside.

Oh, and I gave the cats a fair amount of cuddling, and held them at the front door for them to look outside. And we played a bit and I gave them some catnip. So I think they are a little happier with me.

Have I mentioned that Newton can do a standing jump from the floor to my shoulders? He's gotten good at doing it from behind, putting his front paws on my shoulders and his back paws on the top of my jeans, and then climbing up to my shoulders. Very clever of him!

Maybe this week I'll go to see either The Matrix or the new Star Wars film. It's about time to go see one or the other.

By the way, I notice that my main journal page passed 10,000 hits a few days ago. Not too shabby for less than two years of work!

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