Tuesday, 24 November 1998:

The Cats Have a Bad Day

Today I took the cats to the vet for the dental cleaning I was told last month that they needed. Boy, and you think your teeth are expensive to care for, try paying for anesthetic, cleaning and a few tooth extractions (that's "pullings" to us humans) for a couple of felines and you'll know what expensive is.

the cats basically get knocked out for the procedure, since few non-human mammals will let another creature poke around in their mouths. Newton had one tooth yanked, and Jefferson had two-and-a-half. (And a half? Yes, they removed the front part of the tooth and not the back. Go figure.) The vet gave me the extracted teeth which are now sitting on my bookcase-of-weird-objects right next to the sharks' teeth (and slightly below the car headlights).

The cats were, needless to say, pretty zonked when I picked them up. However, they've been awake all evening since I bought them home, pupils dilated, legs a little wobbly, and Jefferson's voice on the squeaky, pathetic side. Jefferson has spent the evening being spooked by anything that moves, while Newton has been alternately very cuddly and being desperate to get into the trash to find something - I know not what. Usually the cats don't care for the trash unless there's meat in there, and all that's in there tonight is yesterday's cat litter and the bathroom garbage from the last few weeks. What a nut.

I think they'll be happy to go to bed, though. They're still kind of tired.

Work has been a little weird the last two days. My boss asked me to teach an internal class for him, one I used to teach myself but which I dropped when I got tired of teaching and of dealing with the scheduling procedure for the classes. So I did that (and my sarcasm generator was in high gear, for some reason). Today I'd agreed to help Tracy teach another class for the morning, which turned out okay. Internal training is okay, especially when I don't have to run the thing myself.

Otherwise I've mostly been working on odds-and-ends. Not much "real" development going on right now, alas. No matter how important or useful my work is, if I'm not actually building new things, some part of my brain always feels like I'm not getting anything done.

Much to my frustration, Lifetime's re-runs of Homicide skipped over something like six episodes between the Friday re-run and the Monday one. Argh! All of a sudden all this stuff has happened for no discernable reason. The only mitigating factor is that Monday's episode was really, really good. But still.

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