Saturday, 10 October 1998:

Shopping Spree

This morning I woke up and wrote yesterday's journal entry. :-)

I also got mail from my Dad who seemed mysteriously skeptical of my friend John's attitude towards breakfast and protein shakes.

Eventually, after puttering around for several hours, I had a mailman call at my door, delivering one of the things I'd recently bought through eBay. At this point I realized that it was 1:00 and maybe I ought to shower and get dressed. So I did that, and made myself lunch which I ate while watching some college football. Although the only reason I watched college football was because I found that all six of the Batman/Superman cartoons I had on tape I'd already seen, and I was more in the mood to watch TV than read something.

I've felt strangely full all day. I'm not sure why, especially since I had little to eat after work yesterday. It may be because I went on a drinking binge last night, by which I mean I guzzled about a liter of water when I felt weirdly thirsty. Well, if I'm going to feel full, I guess water's the best thing for it. I probably don't drink enough anyway.

The meat of my day involved going on a massive shopping spree, which lasted about five hours. During this spree I:

  1. Bought 20 pounds of bird seed;
  2. Stopped in at a used book store (didn't find anything there);
  3. Bought a new papasan, since I've never been entirely happy with my old one, and it desperately needed a new cushion anyway;
  4. Bought some coasters for my apartment. Expensive ones, but sturdy and attractive;
  5. Bought a new container into which I can drop my loose change. This replaces the old container that I've had since high school, but which was never very convenient;
  6. Stopped at the office and put some seed in the bird feeder outside my office window, and picked up my Think Different posters;
  7. Bought various contact lens solutions and toothpaste;
  8. Bought groceries, and
  9. Bought birthday gifts for my mother and sister.
This was all made a little longer since I took the long way to get to several places, to avoid hitting the football crowds. (Reportedly it's homecoming today.) At the end, I was really quite tired. Shopping is rather exhausting. And I still haven't finished my birthday-buying.

The cats, incidentally, really like the new papasan. It's black, whereas the old one was dark green. I don't usually go for black, but for some reason it attracted me today.

Baseball Update:

The San Diego Padres, to everyone's surprise, have won the first three games of the NLCS, showing even better pitching than the Braves have. They even took the first two games in Atlanta. I do not really hate the Braves, but I do find them rather boring at this point, so it'll be nice to see San Diego in the World Series. Padres fans seem to be turning out in large numbers to support their team in the postseason, much as Mariners fans did a few years ago. Remember that it was only five years ago that the Padres' previous owners implemented their infamous fire sale, reducing the team to something resembling the Marlins of 1998. Five years later, the Padres are a force to be reckoned with. This may be what the Marlins will be in 2001 or 2002.

Over in the American League, we've seen that Cleveland always seems to play a little better in the postseason, stepping up to the level of their competition. Is this a skill the team somehow possesses? Is it just Mike Hargrove's managing and motivational skills? They did the same thing last year, and nearly won the World Series. Very strange. At any rate, Cleveland has managed to eke out two wins against the dominating Yankees, and the series now stands even at 2-2. Cleveland pitching has been excellent, and was not bad tonight, but as you can tell from their 4-0 loss to the Bronx Bummers, the Tribe hitters just didn't show up.

At any rate, I think the Cleveland-San Diego World Series would be terrific. Two good, respectable, exciting teams, both of whom I can like and root for (I think I'd give my nod to Cleveland because they were my grandfather's team). Of course, network executives would hate it; they'd much rather have a facing-off of the big market Yankees and Braves. But they can bite me.

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