Tuesday, 11 August 1998:

Scratching for Things to Say

I've been pretty much taking it easy the last couple of days, so there's not a lot to report. Work has been pretty mellow, as I plug away at my projects.

Last night I started reading Tim Powers' novel Last Call, which is a dark modern fantasy novel involving black magic surrounding Ben "Bugsy" Siegel, and a one-eyed poker-playing protagonist who apparently sold his soul in a card game twenty years earlier. Powers is a very good basic writer, as far as stringing sentences together, and somehow crafts an illusion that a lot more is going on than you might think given a brief plot synopsis. I'm probably going to have to read more of his stuff.

I also returned to writing this short story I've been working on (or, rather, not working on) for months. It's actually reaching some sort of conclusion - apparently the one I planned on, in fact. So maybe it will be done soon and I can move on to something else.

Tonight I caught up on my Batman/Superman watching, and packaged a bunch of comics I sold to send out later this week.

I'm also trying to get my cats to eat their heartworm prevention pills, and thought giving it to them with some cooked hamburger would do the job, but so far, no luck. Putting it in their food can work, but then I don't know whether they each ate a pill, or if Jefferson (the piggy one) ate both of them. Sigh.

Well, I got a few messages from people regarding my Journal counter hitting 3000! Fellow journalist Dorothy Rothschild turned out to be #2997. Barbara Agnew - who hadn't read my journal before - wrote that she was #2998, and then Carey Ong - who might be new, or maybe not, but I hadn't heard from him before - wrote that we was #3000! He said he couldn't quite believe it, so he reloaded and became #3001, too!

So, guys, there you go; immortality (as long as it lasts) in the form of a mention in my on-line journal. Thanks for letting me know!

What else is going on? Not a whole lot. The weather is a lot better - cooler and less humid - and I've resumed biking to work. Gaming plans last night fell apart due to lack of response, so I still haven't played the Radioactive expansion to RoboRally. I was bummed, but probably I'm going to go back to The Settlers of Catan for next week.

And beyond being involved in an old (undying) debate starting up again on DIARY-L, I've also been corresponding with some other journalists, mainly Dorothy, and Trish Homis. It's nice to have correspondents, although there's always the annoying danger that I'll suddenly get busy and bogged down in something, and be unable to respond for a while.

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