Monday, 3 August 1998:

Spark, but Little Flame

Work progresses slowly. I think I'm getting close to the point where I'll actually be able to spend large amounts of time writing code and plowing through projects. I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow to work through all this stuff. Finally!

I had a terrible night's sleep last night. I didn't fall asleep until after 1 am, and then I kept waking up and tossing-and-turning. It wasn't too hot or anything, and the cats weren't bothering me (which was in itself amazing!). Maybe I just got "enough" sleep over the weekend and my body wasn't up for another intensive night's sleep. I woke up and got out of bed as usual and did not feel more tired than usual, so I dunno.

It was a fairly uneventful day otherwise. I biked into work, which helped my sore legs. I forgot to mention yesterday that my legs felt sore (stiff, actually) much of the weekend, and I'm not sure why. Maybe due to all the walking (I get a lot more biking exercise than walking exercise), or maybe due to the relative lack of exercise. Beats me. They were a little sore at work today, too, but by the time I biked home they were feeling okay, and they feel fine this evening. Huh.

I also forgot to mention that I finished Dorothy Sayers' mystery Murder Must Advertise, which I enjoyed, but was not bowled over by. I'd read more by her, though. I think it suffered somewhat for me from my not being in a big "prose reading mood" lately. Mainly I guess I've just been distracted with reading comics, such as the Prince Valiant reprints, which I continue to work through (I read two tonight).

It's a good thing I biked in today, not only because it helped alleviate some of my weekend food-fest (oink, oink), but because it started raining tonight and apparently will rain through much of the week, so it may be a while before I get another chance. Bummer! Still, I like rain, so it's hard to be too bummed.

A pretty lame day, eh? The only other thing going on is the ongoing DIARY-L battle over journal criticism and the like, which is a rather nebulous thing. It's hard to figure out what some peoples' points are sometimes. The main point I've been able to glom so far is that "learned criticism of journals would be a good thing", although it's hard to figure out who would do this criticism or why it would be good (and for whom). These all seem to be questions of no import to the other list members, but they seem central to me. Ah, well.

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