Wednesday, 13 May 1998:

Biking to Work

Well, I pushed past my internal resistance and biked to work today. It was a lovely morning for it: sunny, but cool. I took a different route than I did when biking last year, one which involved fewer main streets, a little more scenery, and a lighter grade. I think I'll use that route from now on, unless I feel the need for some variety.

I did get pretty exhausted after the last major hill, and had to rest for about ten minutes. I probably could have rested for a shorter time, but I (now) recollect something about how sitting down cuts down circulation and compresses the lungs or something like that, and therefore is a poor posture to recuperate from aerobic exertion. I felt better very quickly once I lay down for a minute or two.

But my experience last year tells me that I'll have the stamina to avoid that degree of exhaustion after only one or two more rides.

My new bike bag worked great, too, although I sometimes kicked it when mounting or dismounting my bike. I was able to jam all my stuff in it, and a change of clothes, too. The next trick is to try to take advantage of the shower at work - by mid-July I'm sure I'll need it.

I bought my plane tickets to San Francisco for next month. Turns out that flying into SF is about $300 cheaper than flying into San Jose (which is more convenient for the friend I'm staying with to pick me up). I don't feel too guilty at going to SF to save that kind of money. It ought to be a fun trip; I'm really looking forward to it!

Tonight I decided to "take the night off". Once I got home, I read today's set of comic books (nothing very noteworthy, although the JLA 80-page giant had a few good stories in it), and then sat and watched a few episodes of the Batman cartoon I'd saved up.

I also watched an episode of Daria, an MTV cartoon which I guess spun off from Beavis and Butt-head (who are not worthy of being boldfaced on this page). Some friends in the SF group recommended it. It was fairly amusing - the wry sense of humor appealed to me - but the animation was simply awful (especially back-to-back with the stylish Batman art), and the intermittent commercials for Victoria's Secret somehow spoiled the ambience. I might watch it again, though. But I must admit that the opening credits (despite the annoyingly "gen-X" music - it sounded like Juliana Hatfield) were the best part of the show.

I know you're just dying to hear how I'm doing in my fantasy baseball league. Well, I've moved from 9th (last) place to 6th after a strong week. However, 5th-through-9th places are effectively tied (too close to call). But maybe I have a chance to finish in the money after all!

Oh, I wanted to mention that Micke Hovmöller wrote that he was the winner of my 2000th visitor "contest". Anita Rowland came in second as #1999. Thanks for writing!

Laugh of the day: Back in 1961, after being razzed mercilessly by Minneapolis fans, baseball slugger Roger Maris returns to the dugout after an at-bat and paused to flash the fans with "the international salute of disdain". I like it, though in the 1990s one might call this "giving the crowd a McDowell".

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