Thursday, 7 May 1998:

Bundle This, Pal!

I went to CompUSA to look at G3 Macs today. I had been planning to get the "low-end" desktop model (233 MHz), but I think it won't fit on the puny desk I have now (ah, the wonder of having not enough space in one's apartment). So I'm looking at tower models.

Why is it so hard to get a computer which isn't bundled with hardware peripherals I already have? All the better G3s either come with an internal modem, or an internal Zip Drive, both of which I already have externally, and which I prefer to have external to my machine (especially the Zip drive, since I can then hook it to my laptop quite easily). Aargh. And then there's all that bundled software that I have no interest in. Microsoft Bookshelf? Oh, please.

I think I might buy my machine from The Apple Store, since apparently UPS shipping is free. That way I can get just what I want, albeit I have to wait longer for it. But I should try to tough it out; maturity and discipline and patience and all that jazz. Plus it gives the money directly to Apple. And the money I save on the modem might be enough to convince me to splurge and get the 266 MHz model - though that seems kind of frivolous, too. Do I really need all that power?

Actually, there's a good reason I can think of to buy from CompUSA instead (other than instant gratification, which, as Carrie Fisher says, is too slow anyway): It registers another Mac-related sale at the store and encourages them to continue carrying Macs, which I think is a good thing. That's why I bought my laptop there. But I'm not wedded to the idea.

We'll see. Whatever I do, I should do it in the next day or two. (Of course, we all know about the gap between "should" and "will", right?)

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