Thursday, 30 April 1998:

More Writerly Thoughts

Regretfully, after a pretty good start, I went the last two days without working on my fiction. But at least I had a good excuse: I actually engaged in the dreaded Social Activity. After dinner with Karen on Tuesday, I went down to the weekly SF group social gathering last night, which was more enjoyable than usual.

Before that, I had gone out for a bike ride, where I was riding into a mild-but-persistent, and steady, wind for the first half. But that just meant I got to fly down the John Nolen Causeway on the way back, which is always a lot of fun. Going as fast as you can on a bike is the most fun you can have on two wheels.

Tonight, though, I did do some more writing. It looks like 7-to-8 pm is going to be my best writing time, because I'm still fairly alert and when I'm done I still have most of the evening ahead of me. It's also looking like this story I'm writing - which I think I've mentioned has been tucked in the back of my mind for years, including several false starts - is going to be around 7000-to-8000 words. Not a bad total, if I can do it.

And if I can swing fairly seamlessly into the next story after that, which is considerably less worked out in its details. (I have a third story I could do, but it will either require some moderate research, or else a totally different tack to the plot. The latter might sounds like a cop-out from doing the legwork, but I'm considering it because what I've got right now isn't much of a plot to hang on what I think is a fairly cool idea.)

I'm trying not to get too excited about all this until I've actually finished stuff - at least drafts. But I've always been one to jump the gun when it comes to daydreaming about what I might do in the future. Heck, I haven't really figured out how I'm going to work revisions into this writing thing, though I'm pretty sure I need to put each story away for at least a couple of weeks after finishing the first draft. I can never face anything I write (fiction or otherwise) immediately after finishing it. I need distance and perspective.

I upgraded to Nisus Writer 5.1.2, thanks to a cheap upgrade deal they gave to use Power Computing hardware owners. It's not substantially different from 4.1.4, but I got a printed manual out of the deal. (I mostly consider the innovation of on-line help to be pretty useless except for trying to find a specific piece of knowledge. Give me printed manuals any day.) I had a hard time getting it installed on my PowerBook, and had to do the install twice, but the second time seems to have worked. Go figure.

Otherwise, it's been life maintenance stuff: Got a haircut today (have I mentioned that I have very thick hair? I've never been able to grow it long because it's too darned hot and itchy!), went to the grocery store, looking forward to the weekend, etc. etc. It's been a week off from reading, actually, which I think is a good thing; I seem to go through intense reading phases, and then need to do other stuff for a while.

And I have been cutting down on my on-line time somewhat. Also a good thing. Maybe I'll get a real life yet.

So can anyone tell me why my October 4, 1997 entry is the most-read old entry in my journal? I figure all these people must be coming in via search engines, but what's there that would catch the eye of a search engine? Weird.

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