Tuesday, 28 October 1997:


Did I mention that it snowed on Sunday? Yeah, I guess I did. What I didn't mention was that it's really weird to see snow before the trees have shed all their leaves. There are these green trees covered in light snow, and snow on the ground below them covered in green leaves! Very odd. It's gotten a little warmer this week, so the snow has mostly melted. At least we didn't get clobbered with several feet of snow like Denver did!

Work was pretty mellow today. I bought a dozen bagels and brought them in for people to share, and walked out to get lunch in the afternoon, and made some progress on my projects. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But it's still slow going lately.

A friend at work is trying to persuade me to go to a Halloween party on Saturday, where a costume is required. I think several people would like me to go (which is flattering), but I just have this total block about wearing a costume. Heck, I don't really feel comfortable talking to people in costumes (I always give costumed people a wide berth at SF conventions). I go to other parties thrown by people in this group, but Halloween - not my thing. Just another twisted facet of my personality, I guess.

I came home and waiting for an acquaintance to come over to drop off a disk with a logo I'm going to use on the WisCon web site. She had fun playing with my cats. I talked to my Dad in the evening and worked on my music page some.

I also bought a new battery for my garage door opener. Boy, is it ever annoying when the battery on those things runs low!

A "life maintenance" kind of day, huh? Well, I won't tell anyone if you won't.

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