Busy Relaxing
I stayed up too late last night bopping around the Web, so I slept quite late today. And then when I woke up, I spent at least 45 minutes lying and petting the cats. Jefferson sometimes lies on my pillow between my head and the wall, and I'll gently pet him (he loves to have his head skritched, especially) and he'll purr. It's nice.
I woke up and started doing some cleaning. In particular, I cleaned my bathtub, which was a little gross with soap scum and lime buildup (we have fairly hard water here in Madison). Now it's bright white. I also vacuumed in preparation for gaming tomorrow. Plus, I have this spongy thing which I bought at a pet store which works really well in scooping up cat hair from my furniture. So things are looking pretty clean around here.
We also stopped by my office so I could return a plant to her that I'd been taking care of while she was in New York this summer (turns out I'd been under-watering it), and by my apartment to return her CD player which I picked up from the repair shop for her. Am I a good friend, or what? :-)
Then we went to Olin-Turville Park, which is on Lake Monona, and which has an extensive wooded area with very nice walking paths that I only discovered this summer. We had a nice walk around, and even discovered that there's a small patch of prairie in the middle of the woods! Wow!
Finally, we went to the Sunroom Cafe down on State Street for dinner, because I'd gotten a $25.00 gift certificate for it. It expires next weekend, and it seemed unlikely that I'd eat that much food at that restaurant in just a week, so I invited Karen. I'd been to that restaurant before and thought it was so-so, but it's changed management since then it is much yummier now. The garlic bread with goat cheese and pesto was especially delicious, and I came away from the meal stuffed. I can see I'll have to go back there.
It would have been pretty disappointing had the series ended with this episode (notwithstanding the ultimate final episode, "Sleeping In Light", which will now air at the end of season five). There are many loose ends, and the last few episodes were so frantically rushed that there's a feeling that a fast one has been pulled somewhere. Certainly the concept of the Interstellar Alliance seemed to come off wayyy too easily.
Of course, presumably the early period of the Alliance will be the thrust of season five, with the fate of the Shadowized telepaths, Garibaldi-and-Bester, Londo's ascension to the Imperial throne, and the ultimate fate of the station (if any) in the background. I personally am a fan of seeing grand drama like this coming full circle; it would be satisfying to have the series end with Lyta Alexander leaving the station for the last time, for instance.
Next week's episode should be a lot of fun.
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