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Last updated: 7 December 1998
Tyrant #1-3, by Steve Bissette, SpiderBaby Grafix
Steve Bissette's life story of a Tyrannosaurus Rex strives to be as realistic as possible (within the limits of our knowledge), and features some of his best artwork ever. The latest issue - #3 - features the birth of Our Hero, and the series promises to go on for many years to come. It's a fine package so far, and features many text pieces as background, which adds some color to the work. It's not as viscerally exciting as The Age Of Reptiles that Dark Horse published last year, but it's good.

Reviewed September 1995

Sadly, as of this writing (November 1998), no issues of Tyrant since #3 have been published, so I presume the series didn't sell well enough for Bissette to continue with it.

hits since 24 August 2000.

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