Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor
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Last updated: 3 January 1996
Harlan Ellison's Dream Corridor, by various creators, Dark Horse Comics
This series is an ongoing collection of comic book adaptations of Harlan Ellison's stories, of which it must be said that, like the man himself, they aren't for everyone. Although this is technically Ellison's series, these stories are (I think) all available in written form, so I'll concentrate here mainly on the art.

Like many anthology comics, the stories which translate the least well to the comics page usually fail because of muddle, overly experimental or "cleverly arranged" artwork. In HEDC, this phenomenon usually manifests itself in the stories whose artwork is painted. (Painted comic art is, I've found, a very subtle, and very, very difficult skill; perhaps only 10% of those who attempt it, succeed. See The Books Of Magic mini-series for four examples of successful painters in the comics venue.)

There are some good pieces, though: John Byrne did a four-part adaptation of Ellison's famous "I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream". Phil Foglio did an amusing adaptation of one of his early yarns, and Peter David and Mike Deodato (recent artist on Wonder Woman) are doing a decent two-part adaptation of "Catman". Overall, the series is enjoyable, better than the average anthology.

Maybe they can get someone to illustrate his essay "Xenogenesis".

Reviewed September 1995

hits since 24 August 2000.

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