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Last updated: 3 January 1996
Egypt #2, by Peter Milligan and Glyn Dillon, DC/Vertigo
Written by Vertigo mainstay Peter Milligan with competent-if-uninspiring art by Glyn Dillon, Egypt is the story of Vincent Me, who is somehow transported from his amoral and somewhat squalid life in the present day to ancient Egypt, where he becomes ensnared in political and mystical intrigue. While the narration (told in retrospect by Me) makes it clear that Me undergoes some fundamental change in personality during the series, it's difficult to see from the first two issues what makes this series exceptional (if anything). It's a 7-issue miniseries, so we should find out soon.

Vertigo is DC's horror/suspense imprint, and encompasses Sandman, Swamp Thing, Shade and several others. Sandman is the only one of these books which seems to be consistently good; most Vertigo writers seem to lean toward the obscure or the bizarre rather than telling solid, exciting stories (this phenomenon manifested itself most strongly in Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol and Animal Man work, both of which ceased to be innovative about six issues after he began his work on them). It's unfortunate, since the premise of Vertigo is so rich, but I guess they can't all be winners.

Reviewed September 1995

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