A Little Progress
Well, I made it through the rest of the week somehow. I managed to clear all the "must be resolved ASAP!" issues off my desk at work by the end of the week, and my re-attached veneer hasn't come off the tooth again yet. I'm still on edge about it, but gradually getting hopeful that it'll be on for some years to come. I had a bagel sandwich for lunch today, and a grilled italian sausage for dinner, both of which required using my front teeth to bite off the food, and hopefully that's a decent enough test.
Mostly I just keep telling myself that the sensations I feel in my mouth are my teeth adjusting to the veneer being replaced - since any little deviation is going to make the teeth readjust themselves somewhat - and isn't an indication of something wrong with the bond.
I forgot to mention one other downer about the week: My friend and cow-orker Mark decided to leave for a start-up. His last day was Friday. We'll still see each other socially, but it's a bummer he won't be around at work anymore. One final sadness regarding this past week.
And there was one more last thing, literally, although just a melancholy one rather than a downright sad one: My friend Subrata and his wife Susan held the final gaming night at their house on Wednesday. This coming week they move to their new house, where they'll have more space for gaming, movies, etc. So it's not the last gaming night, but I've been going to Subrata's for gaming since my vacation to California in 1998, so it's certainly a change. (Plus his new home will be less convenient to get to from my house.)
By Thursday evening I was so exhausted that I pretty much just vegged out on television, flipping channels - which I never do. I landed on the repeat of last season's closer for Smallville. I fell out of the habit of watching the series about a third of the way through last season, but I didn't miss a whole lot, it seems. I'll probably watch the season opener this coming week. It was good to just lie around, watch TV, read comics, and not have to think for an evening.

Debbi and I made some progress on the closet this weekend. We ordered some touch-up paint for the walls (which I'll pick up tomorrow), measured the closet, and went to Storables and mapped out what we want with one of their planners. I'm going to measure once more just to make sure we haven't made any mistakes, and then we'll order the stuff. We should be able to get it by next weekend, so we may be able to install by then! Yay!
It ended up costing about what I'd expected, and a little less than what Debbi expected. So that doesn't seem so bad.
Deb and I also had a lengthy session discussing what's going to go where, and what's going to go into the (to-be-rented) storage locker. Deb is making more compromises than I am on this score, although we're trying to find room for all of her important stuff. Making room for her clothes is where most of our effort is going, but figuring out where to put her computer and filing cabinet is the other trick. Though long-term we may end up becoming a one-computer household. Well, one computer and a laptop or two.
Amidst all this we also watched a little football, Debbi went dancing on Friday night (for those who came in late, Debbi and her friends enjoy country line dancing at the Saddle Rack, which is just not my thing) while I went to Borrone, and we had a nice dinner last night and spent some time reading at Dana Street Roasting Company (which had a pretty good jazz quartet playing).
So although I don't think I fully recharged my batteries, it did help. I'm doing better.

Goals for this week: Catch up reading my backlog of SF magazines (only two to go!), and do some writing. In particular, see if I can finish my novelette. But also try to make progress on one of two other stories I have in mind. (Especially since I have to return the library book on renewable energy sources I took out to research one of them!)