This Damned Cough
This cold - or whatever I have - is really getting me down this weekend. It's basically chest congestion and an ongoing cough, and not really any other symptoms other than being tired because my body's fighting off whatever-it-is. I can't remember the last time I had an illness like this which didn't also come with sneezing and sinus congestion, so it's weird to me. At least my throat isn't sore anymore. I think I'm gradually working through it, but it's hard to tell.
It's definitely sapping my energy, though, which is making the weekend something of a downer. And I'm hoping I haven't given it to Debbi. That would really suck.
Anyway, I'm hoping a couple more good nights' sleep will knock it out of my system. 'Cause it sucks.

We did go for a bike ride with our friends Mark and Yvette this morning. My illness didn't really bother me at all, for whatever reason, though we didn't really do a strenuous ride.
I was pleased that my tire and tube - both of which I replaced Thursday evening - held up well. I'm still not sure what happened to the previous tire, but oh well. It did occur to me that the bunching up I saw in the tube was probably because I'd walked home with the bike for a mile and a half on a flat tire, and that probably just caused the flat tube to move around enough inside the tire to folder over itself. It's a good theory anyway.
It's been a lovely weekend, only a little on the warm side. We've done a bunch of errands, had some good food (we steamed artichokes again to have with dinner tonight), done some reading (I'm getting close to being caught up on all those science fiction magazines I'm subscribing to), and watched some baseball. Debbi's cats I think are enjoying the bonus time at my house, as well.
The weekend sure has gone quickly, though. Good thing we have an extra day off tomorrow! We're having people over in the afternoon and then biking over to the park to watch the fireworks, as we do every year. Should be fun!