Surprise Party
We got her.
While hosting gaming last week at my place (Subrata being off on his honeymoon) I mentioned that the next Wednesday (tonight) was Debbi's birthday. Yvette suggested maybe she could host "gaming" but instead we'd actually throw Debbi a surprise party. Sounded good to me, so we did it!
Okay, I had to flat-out lie to Deb a couple of times about what we'd be doing, but it was all in a good cause! Chad ordered a cake (from the Prolific Oven - one of their chocolate rum cakes, which is just about Deb's favorite), and Yvette cooked dinner. Everyone else (Mark & Yvette, Chad, and Lisa and Michel) came over to Yvette's around 7, while I put a few games in my car and we arrived right on the dot (darn my compulsive punctuality!) at 7:30.

The party went really well. Debbi was totally surprised (she had a couple of hints but didn't regard them very strongly), dinner was good, and the cake was quite good! (Okay, that wasn't really a surprise.) After dinner we actually did play a game, a Cheapass Game called Give Me The Brain!, which is very silly. Debbi even won!
(L-to-R: Chad, Mark, Yvette [bad picture, sorry Yvette], Michel, Lisa, Debbi)
It was a lot of fun. I think Debbi was much cheered that we all got together for her birthday (in the past I think we've either celebrated it by ourselves, or with just Lisa and Michel. I don't recall throwing a party for her before). Though Yvette and Chad did most of the work, I was still really happy how well it turned out.

Happy birthday, Debbi!