More Photos of Las Vegas
Some more photos from our Las Vegas trip over the weekend. These are from Debbi's camera, whereas the ones in yesterday's entry were from mine.
 I really liked the Blue Man Group.
 Did I mention that they gave out free paper before the show, so people could decorate themselves?
 My biggest fan. No wait, I have that backwards.
 I didn't think a lot of Caesar's Palace, but their facade and fountains looked cool.
 Debbi really likes the miniature Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel.
 Paris is one of the most recognizable hotels.
 Me in front of the fountain in the previous pic. These are my new glasses.
 Debbi wanted to get photos of us in front of different chapels. This one from the Star Trek Experience is the only one we actually took, though, and it's just me.
 The happy couple. No, not that happy - we didn't do a Vegas wedding. Debbi says no Klingon weddings. Thank goodness.

Observant readers will also notice that I seem to have attached a cat to the bottom of my face since last I ran photos of myself here. Oh, okay, it's just a beard. It's gotten a lot grayer in the 4 years or so since I last had one, mainly just below my ears.