Totally Turkified

Well, we made it through the long weekend somehow, despite our little array of physical ailments:
Debbi was worst off, with a nasty cold erupting in the middle of last week, as well as getting a root canal Wednesday morning. She was one hurtin' cowpoke, let me tell you. I think the coughing was the worst, keeping her awake and tiring out the muscles in her chest and back. It wasn't until Saturday night or so that she seemed to be mostly over it.
Me, I had a stiff spot in my lower back on the right side on Wednesday night, and sometime Thursday I felt it spasm, and then it was quite sore. By Friday when I was out shopping it was really hurting me for a couple of hours, enough that it was difficult to turn to my right or to remain standing all the time. Ow. When I got home I started taking ibuprofen. I actually only took about 4 tablets over the next two days, but by Sunday night it was all better. Not sure what the deal was there. It didn't coincide with ultimate, since that was last Monday.
Lastly, I've had the kittens staying with me for the past 9 days, since Debbi didn't want to subject them to the car ride for just 3 days at her house. She stayed an extra night at my place anyway. I got new batteries for the laser pointer and played with all the cats, wearing them all out pretty effectively. We had a fine time. Then, Sunday afternoon, Debbi was holding Roulette and noticed that Rou had a nickel-sized lump on her right leg, on the haunch. That's all it seems to be: A big lump. She isn't licking at it, isn't limping, isn't favoring it, doesn't mind when I tap it with my finger (except to give me the "Why are you hitting me with your finger?" look), and hasn't been behaving abnormally. It doesn't seem to be full of fluid, either. So we're hoping it's either a fat deposit (though it seems large for that), or maybe that she missed a turn on the tile floor and ran into something and just has a big lump from the impact. She's got a vet appointment tomorrow and hopefully the news will be good.
Think a good thought for the little girl, please.

Turkey Day was good. We went to the house of some friends of Debbi's, who have a huge place further up the peninsula and host Thanksgiving every year. Debbi baked a yummy stuffed-bread appetizer, and the food was good and plentiful. Then the turkey sleepy-time drugs kicked in and we all mellowed out.
Debbi also wanted leftover turkey, so she bought a turkey breast, roasted it, and cut it up, and we had leftovers for much of the weekend: Sandwiches, turkey dinner, and turkey soup. I'm actually not yet sick of turkey, believe it or not. It was all pretty good.
Friday Debbi and I went off shopping separately. I dropped in on an area comic book store I only recently heard of, Hijinx Comics. They're similar in format to Lee's Comics, focusing on recent comics and graphic novels. Since I buy most graphic novels and new books I want when they come out, this limits their interest to me. Their small back issue selection does focus on older comics (60s and 70s), which is interesting to me, so I'll probably drop by from time to time. I did pick up an old (late 60s) issue of X-Men, though, at their post-Thanksgiving sale.
Saturday we drove into the city so I could do some shopping. Mainly I wanted to go to Borderlands Books' 7th anniversary sale, where I bought a couple of things. Our other stops didn't yield much other than some window shopping, though.
Besides the shopping and Turkey Day itself, we mostly spent the day at home working on projects, cooking or baking, and watching the James Bond marathon on cable. Boy, there were some bad Bond films. The early ones are mostly a lot of fun, though. But pretty much it was a low-key weekend for us. A good time to empty our brains of stress.

I'll close with a photo of some roses and carnations hanging on my wall, which I bought at the farmer's market on Sunday:
