Laid Low
I'd like to say I've spent my last three days home sick getting over a mild cold and playing MYST IV Revelation. But it ain't so.
It started innocently enough with sneezing and congestion on Monday. I probably could even have gone in to work, but I envisioned my boss saying, "Why are you still here? Go home! Stop infecting us!" (Readers who know my boss can probably envision him saying this.) So I stayed home, got a whole lotta nothing done, curled up with the cats on the couch and listened to lots of Aural Moon (thanks to AirPort Express!). I ate some food that was bad for me, and went to bed feeling better, ready to go back to work the next day.
I woke up the next day and - could not get out of bed.
Working theories are that I either had food poisoning from something I'd eaten the day before, or a good case of the flu. I'm leaning towards food poisoning as the symptoms were very similar to my Christmas night experience from several years ago (and I'm frankly amazed it's been that long since then, as the particulars are still pretty clear in my mind). My stomach hurt and felt gassy and puffy, I felt like throwing up (never did, thank goodness), and I could tell I was dehydrated. A while later a persistent headache got added to the mix, and I spent the morning in bed, fitfully trying to sleep. I left the bedroom to feed the cats in the morning, and again in the early afternoon to grab a little food and drink (and my laptop). It was pretty hopeless, though, as I couldn't even sit upright for more than 10 minutes without starting to nod off.
I mostly lay in bed listening to KCSM and basically not doing much else. Alternating feeling hot and cold, probably because it got up over 80 and was humid. I'd turn the fan on and get too cold. I'd get under the covers and get too hot. Jefferson gave up on me and spent the afternoon snoozing in his favorite chair. Newton's a little more empathetic, I think, and spent most of the day moving from one spot to another as I tossed and turned.
Around 2:30 or so my body decided it was time to get purging. My head still wasn't too good with staying vertical, so you can imagine what fun that was. But I felt much better afterwards, and slept soundly for two hours.
Debbi came by about 5:30 with some soup and crackers. I was not doing so well - I think I'd only improved by comparison - and I still didn't feel like eating. I did appreciate the company, but wasn't in much shape to enjoy it. She urged me to take a shower and rinse off, which made me feel a little better, and then I sacked out again, and she left around 7, I think, after feeding the cats. I finally roused to realize I should turn off the lights and such, so I did that sometime after 10:00, and then slept soundly for the night, waking only a few times to drink more water.
I woke up around 8:30 (with some help from a hungry Jefferson) and felt much better.
Today I moved myself down to the couch (and later learned how much warmer it got upstairs than downstairs) and pretty much stayed there all day doing reading or fooling around on my laptop and listening to more Aural Moon. I've eaten two bowls of chicken soup, a whole pack of crackers, and some grapes, as well as drinking plenty of water, cranberry juice and two mugs of tea. Some food still turn my stomach to think of them, so I'm not all back yet, but I'm hopeful that a good night's sleep will see me there.
So that's been my week. And I can say it's been a much tougher one than going into work for three days. If it was something contagious, I think all my cow-orkers should buy me a nice gift for not giving it to them. Blah.

Why no, I haven't been watching the Red Sox-Yankees series, since I make it my business not to watch playoff series with the Yankees in them. Why do you ask?