Quiet Time
Well, we didn't quite sit around all weekend, but we did have a more free-form weekend than we did last week, and we did do some sitting around, which was good.
We did go out and play miniature golf twice, Friday night and again Saturday afternoon. I won the first game, Deb won the second. The courses around here have been replacing some of their "turf", which makes them better to play.
I also sold some old CDs at Rasputin Music, and hope to turn them into some new CDs before long. I am getting a bit disappointed with the selection at Rasputin's in Campbell, though. Their progressive rock section has been getting squeezed over the last year, and they don't have much by some of the prog artists I'm interested in, like Everon. Hell, they don't have the new Marillion album, Marbles, or - and this is really ridiculous - the remastered version of Elton John's Too Low for Zero. I mean, I understand them not having Iona or Karnataka (two prog-folky groups I've discovered; Karnataka's The Delicate Flame of Desire is especially good), but really!
Anyway. I might try selling my next batch to Rasputin's in Berkeley, or else to one of the Amoeba Music branches. Seems like it shouldn't be this hard, but I guess that's the price I pay for my off-the-beaten-path tastes!
We wound up going for an 11-mile bike ride into Palo Alto today, including checking out the new paved trail which runs along the railroad tracks from downtown Palo Alto to about a mile and a half south of there. Must be very nice for the local residents and Stanfordites!
We also picked up a few new kitty toys at the supermarket today, and found that Blackjack loves to jump after things! Who know? He certainly hadn't told us! He crouches down on all fours and looks very intent until he springs. Very cute!
Meanwhile, Roulette was her usually rubby self. She gets very upset and shakes when she has to ride in the car, poor thing, but I think she likes being both at her home and down here seeing me and the cats. She just doesn't like the travelling. I hoodwinked her by taking her outside to look around and smell things before taking her up to her carrying case. I think it helped calm her down a bit - took the edge off of anticipating having to go home.

I also gave my Dad a call today, for Father's Day. He's not big on the Hallmark Holidays (neither am I, to tell the truth), but I make a point of calling anyway. He says my sister rarely calls and always sends a card, while I rarely send a card and always call. I told him if you put us together you'd have a whole child!
It's been a long time since I've been back to visit my parents. Sounds like lots of things have changed around Boston since then. Wonder if I'll recognize the place? Well, I'll be going back later this year, so we'll I'll see!