This Sucked
These last few days have sucked. Not completely, but by-and-large.
Work has been very stressful lately, and never more so than Friday, when it seemed that practically everything that could go wrong, did. I don't really know why Friday was the day for this, since none of the suckitude was tied to any deadlines or to the fact that it was Friday, or anything like that. Just things breaking left and right, and not enough time to keep up with them all. It made for a completely stressful day, and boy was I glad to get out of there for the weekend.
The weekend hasn't been all that great, though. For one thing, I was really wiped for much of Saturday, and ended up falling asleep on the floor yesterday, before waking up and heading out to dinner with Deb.
The low point came later that night, though, and is actually pretty embarrassing, but no less sucky: Just before bed I realized I'd left my car in the driveway, so I went out to back it into my garage. As I was moving back, I heard a crunch, and quickly realized... I'd come in at the wrong angle and had ripped my driver's side mirror off the car. Aaargh! Two and a half years of backing into my garage and now I do this?
Debbi was very supportive this weekend, buying me dinner on Friday and lunch today, and reassuring me that the mirror seemed intended to break away without doing any structural damage (which is what it looked like). Plus the mirror and the exterior casing is intact (though the edge of the casting is scuffed up), so hopefully it can be put back on fairly easily. I'm still afraid it will cost hundreds of dollars, though.
Anyway, now that all of my readers have picked themselves up off the ground after laughing so hard...

Beyond all that, not a whole lot really happened this weekend, other than Deb getting back from her trip. We ate some meals, we went to Cafe Borrone last night where we ran into my friend John who is finally buying a house. We did some grilling tonight, watched some baseball, and hit the farmer's market.
I finally had to move my hanging vase, because Newton had gotten too good at getting the plants out of it. Now it's in a location where there isn't anything he can climb to get near it. I bought some nice new flowers for it, which cheered me up a bit!
All-in-all, though, I'm feeling down in the dumps tonight, and I need to get up and call my Honda service place to make an appointment to bring in my car. I guess it will be okay to drive it for a few days if they can't take it immediately, but I'll have to be careful.
But mostly I don't feel like I got to recharge this weekend for the coming work-week, which is something I really needed to do. It's pretty rare that I don't look forward to going in to work...