Three Years Already?
This week has involved a bunch of running around. Taking our bikes in to get them tuned up. Looking for a gift for Debbi's birthday, which is next week. (I have developed this unfortunate habit of doing my birthday-present shopping for pretty much everyone at the last minute. Must stop that someday.) I'm not as inspired as I have been the past two years, but she says she'll love whatever I give her. What a gal!
Meanwhile, tomorrow is the third anniversary of our first date. Where does the time go? And a fun three years it's been. Neither of us was really expecting anything from the dinner at the time, and didn't necessarily see it as a first date. And yet, here we are. Each year we go back to the restaurant we went to that first time (and it helps that it's my favorite Italian place in the vicinity), so that's our plan.

Lots of things on my plate in the coming weeks: Debbi and I plan to do a bunch of gardening this weekend, and perhaps some minigolf and biking mixed in. I need to finally call the city to have someone come inspect my new hot water heater (as required by city ordinance). One of my cow-orkers is about to head out on paternity leave, so I'm going to be picking up a lot of slack for the next few weeks. That will keep me plenty busy at work, I think.
Our dreadful heat wave is finally over. The cats are relieved, and so am I. The cats are mainly relieved that I'm not sleeping with the fan on at night, since cats aren't wild about blown air.
Hasn't this been a scatterbrained little entry?