Stress Puppy
Seems like I must have used this title before. Oh, well.
Things are very stressful at work. No, nothing unusual's happening; it's just crunch time, and there's all too little time to do what needs to be done. Fortunately, I made some good progress today and took a bunch of the pressure off myself by completing some tasks. Better yet, with Thanksgiving next week, I'll get some extra time off for the holiday, which I'm looking forward to. I hope to spend some time going to a few places in the Bay Area I haven't been to before - to shop, if nothing else.
To help facilitate that, today I bought an iTrip FM transmitter for my iPod so I can listen to it in my car (which has a CD player so I can't get an audiotape adaptor). I tested it out on my receiver at home, and it seems to work well. I'll test it in my car tomorrow.
Anyway, I hope to hang in there until then. I think we are all getting a little cranky and can use the time off.

Debbi's kittens have colds. Well, maybe only Blackjack, who got sneezy and runny enough to go on kitty drugs. Roulette sneezed a little, but seems to be better, says Debbi. Anyway, cat colds are very contagious, so they couldn't come down to my place this past weekend. Debbi was beside herself on Saturday since she'd never left them along for so long before. For that matter, I think Jefferson was nosing around a little wondering where they were, since Debbi was here and they weren't.
Newton I think didn't care. He hasn't accepted them yet.
Roulette also had her other tapeworm pill, and I got to pill Blackjack for his cold. But otherwise they seem cheerful and healthy. And Roulette loves to get petted on my lap, and to walk around on my shoulders.

This weekend we also went out to look at couches. I've wanted to buy a new couch for a while, since my large futon - although very nice for a futon - is not a great couch long-term. We found one I like quite a bit, at Levitz. Also one I like (but not as much) at Ikea. And I looked a couple of other places and didn't see much else that grabbed me. I'm not sure where else to look offhand.
If I buy the one at Levitz, I may get it as a sofabed, to better accommodate potential guests. Though so far I have yet to have more than one guest at a time. But better safe than sorry, I suppose, and the sleeper option is not a whole lot more expensive - well under $1000, actually.
I threatened some years back that if I bought a couch I'd give my futon to Trish. I wonder if she'd still want it? Guess I should actually ask her, huh?

Short one tonight. Not much time or energy for more. Maybe I'll write a bunch of entries next week, though, when I have the time.
Nah, I don't really believe it either!