Bittersweet Homecoming
Well, I'm back from my trip to Portland, and a fun time it was. Hopefully this weekend I'll have some time to recap it (and present some photos). In the meantime, I'll catch up on what's happened on the home front.
Well, to start with, Debbi sprained her ankle while I was gone. In fact, she sprained it running down the stairs at my house - where she stayed with the kitties over the weekend - to answer her cell phone - on which I was calling. I felt terrible! Not that there's anything I could have done; I called her cell phone because I thought she might be out with her friends, and in any event she'd said she might not answer my home phone since she wouldn't know who was calling.
She went to the emergency room Sunday morning and got it wrapped and got crutches, and then spent Sunday and Monday resting at my place. She couldn't really carry anything when she was on crutches, and it deep-sized her plans to go to the farmer's market and for a bike ride on Sunday. Fortunately, she didn't actually break anything (they took x-rays), and she should be able to walk without crutches in another 10 days or so, or that's the hope anyway.
She did pick me up at the airport on Monday, and then we went out to dinner and I went home with her so I could carry her things. I'll probably pick her up tomorrow for the weekend so she doesn't have to drive and put pressure on her foot using the clutch in her car. Hopefully she'll be up to going to the party we have scheduled on Sunday... and even more importantly hopefully she'll be all healed before we go to Hawaii!

Then Tuesday was my friend John's last day at Apple, as next week he starts work at Pixar. John's been at Apple and NeXT for nearly 10 years and I think is excited about the change, though it will put him on the opposite side of the Bay Area from me. We have a running joke that whenever I transfer into a group he's in, he leaves (which is how it's worked out at Apple). So if he ever starts feeling too comfortable at Pixar, I may have to go oust him.
So it was a sad day that he left, although truthfully we've interacted a lot more outside of work than at work, so other than the change in location I doubt it will have a big impact.
Besides, he's still on my notify list, and that's the important thing, right?

Other than that it's been business as usual since I got back. I received a very nice hardcover copy of Tim Powers' Last Call that I bought over eBay. I picked up two weeks worth of comic books and read them. I've been taking care of my patio and of course the kitties, who seem to finally have forgiven my absence.
Oh, speaking of my patio, my yellow brandywine tomato plant finally started producing. Giant, bright orange tomatoes (not yellow, it turns out, though maybe I'll letting them get overripe?). They taste sweeter and slightly differently from your typical tomatoes, but they're still tasty. Extremely meaty. Worth a try if you grow tomatoes yourself. Meanwhile, the roma and cherry tomato plants are just about done producing, and the plants themselves are starting to turn yellow. The brandywine, on the other hand, has two little tomato buds that have just started growing, so I may be getting tomatoes from that one for another month or so.
I'll definitely have to do this next year, too.