Record Time
I've been being pretty good about biking to work twice a week. I'd like to do four times in a week at least once this summer, but right now I'm not sure when that will be. But since my round trip is about 18 miles, that's still a good bit of exercise. That means I'm doing over 100 miles a month at this rate - plus whatever I do on my weekend rides with Debbi (which tend to be slower, but are sometimes as much as 15 miles at a blow).
Plus, I bike fast. Tuesday I set what I think is a new record for my ride in - a little over 31 minutes. I equalled it today, though today I had the unusual experience of hitting nearly zero red lights. I must be working harder all around because my legs are more sore than usual. Plus I'm absolutely ravenous when I get to work, and end up buying a giant burrito rather than a small pasta. Maybe not my best move, but since I'm still a little hungry after lunch I must need it.
I haven't lifted weights at the gym in several months, and should try to start going again sometime. On the other hand, Deb's gotten me into doing ab crunches and push-ups every morning. I do around 25 push-ups and upwards of 200 crunches (of various sorts). And overall I feel like I'm in better shape, even though my actual weight loss has been pretty gradual. So I'm not in a big rush to shake things up.

I've been preparing to start selling some stuff on eBay. Although I have a number of comic books to sell, I'm going to start by selling a few board games I no longer want. That should be a decent start; it's been a few years since I've sold there. Though I've been buying quite a bit through eBay this year.
Meanwhile, I went to gaming at Subrata's last night, and we played Lunar Rails, which is the latest variant of Mayfair's Empire Builder series. It adds some cool twists, such as multiple upgrades for trains, and a conceptually spherical map, so you can build rails from the dark side to the light side of the moon and back again. Some people dislike these games because they're - after a fashion - multi-player solitaire games, but I like 'em a lot. They lend themselves to being good group/social games, especially if you enjoy puzzling out ways to build the best routes.

I had some meatier stuff I wanted to write about tonight, but between my biking, cleaning my porch upstairs (man, getting ground-in dirt off a porch is a lot of work!) and preparing the games for sale (which mainly meant inventorying the pieces - yawn) I'm out of energy. Perhaps this weekend, since Debbi may end up having to bring some work home. It's crunch time for her.
Well, assuming I don't forget. I'm getting old, y'know, and that's always a possibility!