Good Times, Bad Times
A quick entry before bed.
A week or so ago I finally purchased something I've been wanting for a while, ever since I trip back to Madison where I saw them in a poster shop, in fact: Four panoramic photos of the major cities I've lived in or near, specifically Boston, New Orleans, Madison and San Francisco. They came framed and under glass and look very nice hanging in a pattern in my upstairs hallway. It's neat to pick out some of the landmarks in each of them, and in the Madison one I can see the roof of the build where I lived while at Epic, and can locate the general vicinity of where I lived in grad school.
I've coveted these for a while, and I'm glad to finally have bought them.

Kind of a blah week so far. I feel like I'm not getting a lot done, and like I'm feeling frustrated or annoyed a lot of the time. I guess I'm just in a mood, because mostly thing are going okay. Things are hopping at work, in part because a bunch of people are taking vacations now that the conference is over. And I've taken care of a bunch of stuff around the house, as well as making dents in the new Harry Potter book (which seems to be getting mixed reviews from people who have read it, and from the first 300 pages I can see why).
Maybe what I need is a vacation. Not this month, but I have plans for some later this summer and into the fall. I mentioned to my boss that I hadn't taken a vacation since November (!) and he jokingly replied, "Slacker!"
Meanwhile, I'll just keep plugging away...