I was sitting on my bike at a light on the ride home from work today. "I like your bike!" I heard, and turned around. Two young women were sitting in a car a couple of lanes over. "It matches your helmet!" the one in the passenger seat called.
"And my gloves!" I said, holding up my hands. All three are medium blue.
"Ooh!" Pause. "You should get shoes to match!"
"Yeah... someday!"
The light changed. "Bye!" she shouted as they drove off.
This reminds me of a couple of encounters I related way back in this entry.
Of course, I have Debbi to thank for my color-coordinated biking attire!

Earlier this month I received my copy of the Babylon 5 Season 2 DVDs. You can also buy the Season One set, and pre-order the Season Three set. They've done a good job with them, although I'm still a little miffed that the "The Gathering/In The Beginning set doesn't include the original broadcast version of "The Gathering".
And yesterday I received my copy of the Homicide: Life on the Street Seasons 1 & 2 DVDs. This set is totally worth it, as these early episodes in particular are some of the best TV I've ever seen. Excellent writing, acting and direction all around. I'm going to also have to pick up a copy of Homicide: The Movie, which concluded the series after it went off the air by bringing back every cast member (and which I reviewed when it aired). Good stuff.
I'm building a nice little DVD collection without trying very hard. Now I just have to find the time to watch them all...

I keep meaning to write some book reviews, but haven't gotten around to it. I've been playing around with my AirPort base station, which is nifty. I can check baseball scores from my dining table, yay! (Okay, don't everyone get thrilled at once, now.)
And I finally planted the impatiens I bought last weekend. Discovered the strange quality of the ground where I planted them (kind of clay-like - not sure whether they'll like that - and that there's some plastic netting about an inch below the surface, probably put there by the previous owner when he put in my patio tiles). One of them I think isn't going to make it - it looked sickly when I put it in - but the others, so far, so good.
I have some photos of my garden I need to upload. Maybe this weekend. If I'm not working.